

The small calendar in the upper left corner lets you navigate the journal and view days recorded.  Use the inside arrow buttons to move forward or backward one day, and outside buttons to move one month at a time.  Click once on any day to view it in the journal, or once on the date heading at the top to reset the calendar to the current month and date.

The day currently selected in the journal is highlighted in orange while today's date is shown in red.  Calendar squares are color-coded.  By default, any day informaton was recorded is set to gray.  Light blue denotes cardiovascular workouts, purple indicates weight training and dark blue represents both.  Normal squares are shown in white.  If color-coding is disabled (see option under the main "Edit" menu), all days that correspond to entries in the journal will appear gray.  For reference, there is a color key at the bottom of the main calendar tool.  A sample screen is shown below.


Inside button displays previous day and outside button displays previous month in the journal.
Inside button displays next day and outside button displays next month in the journal.