
Use the journal to track workouts, meals, measurements, medical and general information.  Each section is stored under its own file tab.  Although there are many data fields, you only need to fill in the ones you want to track.  The more information you enter, the more analysis you can do later with other tools.  This tool is opened automatically on startup.  

To track data for multiple users, use the "Setup..." button in the upper right corner of the main window to create additional profiles.  You can then view data for any user by selecting their profile from the "User Profile" list.

Select the "Nutrition" tab to record all of your food intake for any day.  Minimize typing and save time by creating a custom food database, creating predefined meals (programs), dragging and dropping foods from the favorites list and using copy and paste.  Other tabs let you store daily measurements, medical and general information such as planned activities.

To record a cardiovascular workout (such as running and cycling), select the Exercise tab, then insert a "cardio" or weight training workout form using the appropriate buttons.  There is also an option to insert both types of workouts under the main "Insert" menu.  Workout forms can be renamed using the "type" selector at the top.  Save time inputting workouts with the input wizard at the bottom of each form and by using copy and paste.  For weight training workouts, you can also create predefined weight training programs.  By inserting new forms, an unlimited number of workouts can be recorded for any day.  For example, if you run in the morning, swim in the afternoon and lift weights at night, you would insert two "cardio" forms and one "weight training" form.  There would be three tabs under the "Exercise" tab for the current day shown in the journal.

Use the arrow buttons on the navigation calendar in the upper the left, to view previous or future dates in the journal.  The the date selected in the journal is always highlighted in orange, while the current date is shown in red.  By default, the journal always opens to the current date.  Information entered or modified will be saved in memory until you save it to disk.  Every open tool is automatically updated when the journal is saved or when a different day is shown.

After data has been entered, it can be viewed on a monthly calendar, plotted on a chart or analyzed using the statistics tool.  By default all of the calendars are color-coded by workout and activity type.  Use the summary in the lower left to view basic statistics for the current week, current month and entire journal database.  Use the menus above to find and analyze information in the journal.  Each tool is described in its own help section.