

Use the "Predefined Workouts (Programs)" option under the main "Edit" menu to create and modify predefined weight training workouts. These are also referred to as workout programs. You can enter one or more rows in a weight training table and save them under a specific name. Later, you can insert an entire table (or group of rows) in a single mouse click, instead of typing them by hand. Each workout program can include muscle groups, exercises, weights, sets and repetitions. This tool can significantly reduce the time it takes to record workouts. This is ideal for anyone who follows a regular routine and useful for planning.  Personal trainers can also use it to create workout programs for their clients. 

Enter repetitive information you want to avoid typing each time you record workouts in the journal. You can even copy and paste weight training tables you already entered in the journal with the Right-click popup menu (on a Mac, click on the table, then press the mouse button while holding the Control key), or with Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v (use the Command key on a Mac). Use the buttons at the bottom to create, modify and delete programs. "New" clears the table and lets you enter a new program, and "Add" inserts it into the program list above.  When entering a new program, the buttons at the bottom will be disabled (grayed out) until you specify a name in the "Program Name" box.  Select Save on the main tool bar menu to save the programs you have created to disk.

When you are finished, you can add predefined programs to any weight training table with the "Insert" menu, or with the Right-click popup menu.  Both actions display a program selection window.   This window can be left open so you can move through the journal and insert weight training tables for any day by selecting the "Apply" button.  You can also insert programs by double clicking on them.  If any programs have been recorded, Weightmania will automatically prompt you to insert one each time you create a new weight training workout form in the journal.  All Weightmania tables can be printed or copied to other applications like Excel.  Right-click on any table for a speed menu with special options.

Note:  For best results, always select table rows by clicking on the leftmost cell.


Workout Programs Specifies a list of the programs stored in the workout program database currently open.  Click on any program with the mouse to display it in the table below.
Program Name Specifies the name of the workout program displayed in the table below.  The buttons at the bottom will remain disabled (grayed out) until a valid name is entered.  This is the name that will appear in the list above.
Type Specifies the workout program type.  This is the name that will appear at the top of the weight training form in the journal.  For example, this could be "Back" or "Chest" from the default selection list, or a custom value that you choose.  To edit the list of choices, click on the "Add" button next to the "Type" field on any weight training workout form.  Changes you make to this list will be stored in the same file where your journal data is stored. 
New Clears the table and fields above, so you can enter a new program.
Add Adds the workout program just created to the list above. If the program name entered already exists, you will be prompted to replace it.
Modify Changes the attributes of any program selected to those specified in the table and fields above.
Delete Removes the selected program from the list above.
Add Groups Lets you edit the list of muscle groups available on the menu that appears in the "Group" table column.
Add Exercises
Lets you edit the list of exercises available on the menu that appears in the "Exercise" table column.
Input Wizard Displays a tool to help you input or modify one row in the weight training table.  For more information, see "Input Wizards" in the journal help section.