

This calculator is used to perform fast computations and convert between Metric and English.  It contains 42 keys and has many special functions for doing advanced arithmetic.  The conversion and function buttons are described below. 


IN->CM Converts inches to centimeters.
CM->IN Converts centimeters to inches.
FT->M  Converts feet to meters.
M->FT Converts meters to feet.
MI->KM Converts miles to kilometers.
KM->MI Converts kilometers to miles.
GL->L Converts gallons to liters.
L->GL Converts liters to gallons.
LB->KG  Converts pounds to kilograms.
KG->LB Converts kilograms to pounds.
OZ->G Converts ounces to grams.
G->OZ Converts grams to ounces.
F->C Converts degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celcius.
C->F Converts degrees Celcius to degrees Fahrenheit.


NEG Calculates the negative value of the number currently displayed.
SQT Calculates the square root of the number currently displayed.
POW  Calculates the value of the number currently displayed raised to any power.  For example, to calculate 10 to the third power, you would enter "10", select this button, then enter "3" and press equal ("=").
1/Y Calculates the inverse of the number currently displayed (one divided by the number).
<-- Deletes the last digit entered. By pressing this multiple times, you can backup and remove digits in the order they were entered.
SQR Calculates the square of the number currently displayed.  For example, to calculate 10 squared, you would enter "10", select this button, then enter "2" and press equal ("=").
Clears the calculator display.  This does clear the calculator memory.
EM Erases the calculator memory.  This does not erase the value displayed.
M+ Add the value currently displayed to the value stored in the calculator memory.  If there is no value stored in memory, this will set it.
M- Subtract the value currently displayed from the value stored in the calculator memory.
RM Recalls the value stored in calculator memory and displays it.
% Calculates a percentage.  For example, to calculate 50 percent of 30, you would enter "50", select this button, then enter "30" and press equal ("=").