

The weight training workout input wizard helps you enter or modify a weight training workout.  Use this tool to automatically fill in weight training table rows.  It can significantly decrease the time it takes to record workouts.  

Start this tool with the "Input Wizard" button at the bottom of any weight training workout form.  By default, it displays data from the currently selected row.  Edit or fill in the fields shown, then select a table row and click "Apply".  This tool can remain open until you're done recording your workout.  It isn't necessary to close and reopen it for each row.

Note:  For best results, always select table rows by clicking on the left-most cell.


Group Specifies the muscle group targeted.
Exercise Specifies the exercise.
Sets Specifies the number of sets completed for the exercise.
Notes Specifies any special notes that apply to the exercise.
Wt. 1 - Wt. 6 Specifies the weight or setting used for each set.
Reps. 1 - Reps. 6 Specifies the number of repetitions completed for each set.
Add Groups... Displays a tool to add, modify or remove muscle group names.
Add Exercises... Displays a tool to add, modify or remove exercise names.
Apply  Copies the information to the selected table row.