

Use the journal "Exercise" tab to record cardiovascular and weight training workouts.  You only need to fill in the fields you want to track.  The more information you enter, the more analysis you can do later with other tools.  

To record a workout, insert a cardiovascular or weight training form using the cardiovasular and weight training buttons, or options under the main "Insert" menu.  Enter and track up to ten workouts per day.  Each workout will appear as a separate file tab that can be cut, copied, pasted and renamed.  Save time by using the input wizard at the bottom of each workout form.  There is one for entering cardiovascular workouts and one for weight training (for more information see the input wizards described in the journal help section).

Use the color-coded calendar on the left to navigate and view workouts entered and workouts missed.  It also helps you visualize progress and avoid missing and duplicating workouts.  As you enter workouts, the squares will change color to indicate the type of workout stored for each day.  Blue-gray denotes cardiovascular workouts, purple represent weight training workouts and bright blue squares indicate both (a color key is provided at the bottom of the full-size calendar tool).  Click on any calendar square to view that day in the journal. The day currently selected in the journal is always highlighted in orange while the current date is shown in red.  Workouts also appear in "Summary" window in the bottom left corner.  This tool shows the number days entered, days missed, cardiovascular workouts, weight training workouts and more.  It was designed to help you quickly assess your progress.  To view more detailed statistics, use the statistics tool under the main "Tools" menu.

Recording a weight training workout is potentially very time consuming.  In addition to copy and paste and the input wizard, we created a special tool to create predefined weight training workouts (programs). It lets you enter more rows in a weight training table and save them under a specific name.  Later, you can insert an entire weight training workout (or group of rows) in a single mouse click!   For more information, see "Creating Predefined Workouts (Programs)" in the help table of contents.  This is ideal for anyone who follows a regular routine and useful for planning.  Personal trainers can also use it to create workout programs for their clients.

Table columns can be resized and re-arranged in any order. To move any column, simply drag its header to the new location and drop it. Resize the width of any column by slowly moving the mouse pointer over the left or right edge of the header. When the cursor changes to a horizontal arrow, you can adjust the column width. Weightmania will remember these changes in the future. However, they only affect the currently selected user profile. Use the right mouse button popup menu to restore the table to its default layout. The table layout has no effect on the input wizard, cut and paste, or drag and drop.

Individual workouts or the entire "Exercise" tab can be cut, copied and pasted to any day in the journal.  The weight training table itself can be copied into other applications such as Excel.  Any drop-down menu can be modified using the "Add..." button on the right or the buttons at the bottom.  Right-click directly on the weight training table to view a popup menu with special options.


Type Specifies the type of weight training workout this form represents.  For example, this could be "Back" or "Chest" from the default selection list, or a custom value that you choose.  To edit the list of choices, click on the "Add" button on the right.  Changes you make to this list will be stored in the same file where your data stored.
Start Time Specifies the time you started this workout.  This should be entered in hours and minutes.  The first drop down menu represents hours, the second minutes, and the third AM or PM.
Total Time Specifies the total workout time.  This should be entered in the form "HH:MM:SS", where the first box represents hours, the second minutes, and the third seconds.
Workout Rating Specifies the quality of a workout, your feelings about it, or how satisfied you are with it.  From left to right, there are three choices, "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor".

Difficulty Specifies the difficulty of a workout.  From left to right, there are three choices, "Easy", "Moderate", and "Hard".
Total Calories Specifies the total number of calories consumed before, during, or after this workout.
Total Water Specifies the amount of water or fluids consumed before or during this workout.
Temperature Specifies the temperature during this workout.  
Location Specifies the location where this workout took place.  This could be your home, or the name of the gym.  Use the "Add" button on the right to add or modify locations.
Equipment Used Specifies the equipment used during this workout.  Use the "Equipment Manager" under the main "Tools" menu to add, modify or delete items.  Data from this field is used by the statistics tool to count the number of times each item was used, the total time it was used, average use time, total mileage (for running shoes and bicycles), etc.
Notes Specifies notes related to this workout.  For detailed comments, use the notes field under the "General" journal tab. 
Weight Training Table Use the table at the bottom to record each exercise and the weight you lifted.  The first column ("#"), is used to represent the number of each exercise and cannot be edited.  Column two ("Group") represents the muscle group.  When you select this column, a drop-down list will appear.  Use the "Add Groups" button at the bottom to edit this list.  Column three ("Exercise") specifies the name of the exercise.  When you select this column, a drop-down list will appear.  Use the "Add Exercises" button at the bottom to edit this list. Column four ("Sets"), represents the number of sets completed for the exercise.  The remaining columns are used to store weights, repetitions and notes related to each exercise.  For example, "W1" specifies the first weight and "R1" specifies the number of repetitions you did at that weight.  It is not necessary to fill in every field.  You may just want to enter the number of sets and the maximum weight lifted.
More  Displays a popup window with additional weight training workout fields.
Add Groups  Lets you edit the list of muscle groups available on the menu that appears in the "Group" table column.
Add Exercises Lets you edit the list of exercises available on the menu that appears in the "Exercise" table column.  This option is also available under the main "Edit" menu.
Input Wizard  Displays a tool to help you enter or modify one row in the weight training table.  For more information, see "Input Wizards" in the Journal help section. 


Type Specifies the type of cardiovascular workout this form represents.  For example, this could be "Running", "Cycling", "Swimming", or "Walking" from the default selection list, or a custom value that you choose.  To edit the list of choices, click on the "Add" button on the right.  Changes you make to this list will be stored in the same file where your data stored.                             
Start Time Specifies the time you started this workout.  This should be entered in hours and minutes.  The first drop down menu represents hours, the second minutes, and the third AM or PM.
Total Time Specifies the total workout time.  This should be entered in the form "HH:MM:SS", where the first box represents hours, the second minutes, and the third seconds.
Distance Specifies the total distance completed in this workout.  Enter any numeric value greater than zero.  Units are not specified to allow any value to be entered.
Laps / Steps Specifies total number of laps or steps completed during this workout.  This field can be used instead of distance or ignored if it does not apply.
Pace Specifies average or best pace.  If you are recording a running workout, this would be the time it took in minutes, to complete each mile or kilometer (time divided by distance traveled).  This should be entered in the form "HH:MM:SS", where the first box represents hours, the second minutes, and the third seconds.  
Avg. Speed Specifies average speed. 
Max. Speed Specifies maximum speed.
Avg. H. Rate Specifies your average heart rate during this workout.
Max. H. Rate Specifies your maximum heart rate during this workout.
Incline (%) Specifies maximum or average incline in percent, for this workout. This mostly applies to treadmills.
Cadence Specifies average or maximum cadence.  This is a common way to measure cycling performance.  Values are specified in revolutions per minute (RPM).
Total Calories Specifies the total number of calories consumed before, during, or after this workout.
Total Water Specifies the amount of water or fluids consumed before or during this workout.
Temperature Specifies the air or water temperature during workout.  For example, it could be the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature or pool temperature.
Cardio Sub-Type Specifies the exact type of cardio. you did.  For example, for a running workout, you can use this field to record whether it was hills, long distance, or a track workout.  This field is different from the initial "type" field in the upper left corner, because it is more specific.  Information you provide can be used by other tools, such as the statistics tool.  For example, it can count the number of track workouts or the number of long distance workouts you completed during a season.  To edit the list of choices, click on the "Add" button on the right.  Changes you make to this list will be stored in the same file where your data stored.   
Course or Route Specifies the course you used for this workout.  For example, for a cycling or running workout,  you might use a name that represents the streets or area you used.  To edit the list of choices, click on the "Add" button on the right.  Changes you make to this list will be stored in the same file where your data stored.   
Workout Rating Specifies the quality of a workout, your feelings about it, or how satisfied you are with it.  From left to right, there are three choices, "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor".

Difficulty Specifies the difficulty of a workout.  From left to right, there are three choices, "Easy", "Moderate", and "Hard".
Competition Specifies whether this workout represents a competition such as road race.
Equipment Used Specifies the equipment used during this workout.  Use the "Equipment Manager" under the main "Tools" menu to add, modify or delete items.  Data from this field is used by the statistics tool to count the number of times each item was used, the total time it was used, average use time, total mileage (for running shoes and bicycles), etc.
Weather Specifies the weather conditions during this workout.   From left to right, there are five choices, "Sunny", "Partly Sunny", "Cloudy", "Rain", or "Snow". The first weather type is always selected by default.  Each type is assigned a numeric value between 1 and 5 so weather can be plotted in the chart tool.  From left to right, "Sunny" is assigned a value of 5 and "Snow" is 1.
Wind speed Specifies the overall wind conditions during this workout. This field uses standard wind descriptions ranging from calm to near gale. The speed in miles and kilometers per hour is shown on the right of each description.
Notes Specifies notes related to this workout.  For detailed comments, use the notes field under the "General" journal tab. 
More  Displays a popup window with additional cardiovascular workout fields.
Input Wizard  Displays a tool to help you enter or modify a cardiovascular workout.  For more information, see "Input Wizards" in the Journal help section.